2016 Board and Members’ Meeting Minutes

Minutes of VCTC Member’s Meeting

September 24, 2016

Location: Van Cortlandt stadium 10:40am, about 35 present, led by Rick

1. Bx 10 after party tomorrow at VCP museum gated area 11am-4pm. We will have sandwiches from Garden Gourmet, bring your own drink and something to sit on.

2. Staten Island Half Bus confirmed, leaving 5:45am. PayPal link not set up yet. Bibs can be picked up at the annex

3. Nyrr tiered membership – you can pay more $ for 2 day advance registration (except for Bk half). Not a big impact for most members

4. Baby celebration at October meeting, pending confirmation that enough of the babies (and parents) can attend.

5. Singlet order on the way from Sugoi, probably in mid-November. Beni has been researching jackets but they are expensive, about $110. We will give club some options

6. Summer series – James Moloney no longer race director. Miles stepped up to be co-director with Jill Staats

7. Lisa Shernicoff from Sleep Number at Ridge Hill spoke about huge discount on mattresses for VCTC members at her store during week starting Oct 22. Included delivery and 25 yr warranty.

8. Bylaws – Ariel and Alix made some proposals and edits to the Board for their review. Nothing major, just more flexibility

9. Aesop’s Bench newsletter emailed weekly. Most members ok with frequency

10. Santa run Dec 11 – Sunday after Ted Corbitt.

11. Awards Dinner Jan 28, hopefully no conflict with Manhattan Half. Need to confirm with Maryann. Backup with Jan 21.

12. 2017 is our 40th anniversary. Perhaps more giveaways at dinner, hats, scarves, headsweats, looking for more ideas. Sal proposed 40th anniversary singlet.

13. Monday fun run will stop in October. Jen Mullane offered to hold an informal run afterwards.

14. 3 spot policy for Nyrr points races is geared towards likelihood of scoring for open team or your age group. Other ways of picking 3 spots were discussed at Board meeting but current policy was upheld for competitive advantage. Bette suggested pushing NYRR for giving local clubs better registration privileges

15. Athletic report by Ken: we will stay on the track Tuesday nights till winter. Longer intervals will be done to prepare for longer races. Thursday night tempos still done by Rick. Ken recommended more hills, especially on distance runs. Some advice for tomorrow’s race. Next Sunday 20-miler from VCP to Orchard Beach, supported run to the beach.

16. Treasury report by Ariel – PayPal $1600, checking $5100, PayPal Capone $1300, savings $15,000. Charities $8300 donation. Highest grossing was South Bx United $1700. $17,992 in assets less pending debits, little less than last year. We spent more $ on clothing etc this year.

17. Membership report by Andrea email – 173 single, 138 families, total 344 members. 17 new members since July meeting.

18. Communication Committee – Steve Shernicoff asked for more contribution from members to communications@vctc.org including race results and reports – need content by Friday to send out Monday. Mandi added there will be new email addresses listed on members only page. Kevin Shelton-Smith maintains club records on the website. Anything that should be added to website should be sent to club email address.


Minutes of VCTC Board Meeting

September 22, 2016

Location: Rick’s apartment
Present: Rick, Mandi, Ariel, Matt, Steve Shernicoff, Beni Veraz, Carolyn Hehir

Started 8:49pm

1. Bronx 10 after party – Maryann sent out a call for volunteers for this Sunday’s party. Steve mentioned need more proactive communication instead of last moment. Mandi suggested people email communication Committee if they want things sent out to club.

2. Staten Island Half bus – Check will be sent to bus company tomorrow. Need to set up PayPal link -Ariel will do it. $15 per person. Club members only at first then open to others if needed. Leaves 5:45am from VCP

3. NYRR new tiered membership – more expensive option gives you 2 days early access for registration. To be discussed at next week’s club council meeting which Rick and Carolyn will attend

4. Team babies – Mandi mentioned an “epidemic” of babies. Could have a little celebration at the October members meeting perhaps at Santa Fe with some baby favors. Welcome the next generation of runners to the club, make it inclusive to whole club.

5. Board Election – 3 open positions (Mandi, Matt, Ariel served 2-year terms), need to find out who wants to run again. Need to set up nominating committee.

6. Rick ordered singlets but they will arrive after marathon (6-8 weeks). They are sold $15 apiece (cost $20, club subsidized $5). Steve proposed not subsidizing them. Need to order sweatshirts from custom ink. Dave Isaac did the last order – need to get login info, Rick will try. Jackets are expensive, some members are willing to pay $100+ per Rick. Mandi said should ask members at Saturday meeting to see how many would buy, follow up with a poll.

7. Summer series race director: Miles Moloney volunteered, hopefully Jill will remain co-director.

8. Oct 22-29 sale on mattresses Sleep Number at Ridge Hill per Lisa Shernicoff – she might come to Saturday meeting, more info to members via email

9. Bylaws changes proposed by Ariel and Alix – tabled, needs to be researched and discussed. Perhaps next board will need to work on this

10. Next meeting dates: Oct 22 (Gleeson’s), Nov 12, Dec 3 for annual meeting (hopefully at Horace Mann – need to get contact info from Bette). Board meetings 2 days prior.

11. Newsletter – want to stick to once per week per Steve. Friday should be deadline for submission with newsletter coming out Monday. Rick asked about articles or coaches corner like in the old newsletter. Mandi mentioned we want to stick to having article content on the website instead of newsletter. We do have a blog on there. Maybe we could create a database of VCTC members race results on our site. There is a list of upcoming non-Nyrr races typed up by Sal that would need to be typed into the site

12. Santa Run – perhaps Dec 11. Awards dinner – Jan 28 (or Jan 21 as backup), either Dunwoodie or another venue, TBD. Mandi suggested online voting before the dinner and announce results at the dinner. Same DJ as at summer BBQ

13. 40th anniversary – head sweats as possible swag for awards dinner. Mandi mentioned possibly caps or visors as giveaways. Beni is looking into a scarf with Vctc logo. Mandi said Soccer Supporters can make a custom VCTC scarf for $15 or so. Ariel proposed a goodie bag with multiple items. Rick mentioned we need VIP guest list to be discussed with Bobby and Bette.

14. Monday fun run will end in October due to darkness and cold. Jen Mullane might continue to have a casual fall/winter run

15. Brief discussion of 3 team spots for Nyrr races. Should policy be amended to make selection less subjective? What would help the team to be more competitive? Carolyn strongly in favor of whoever would help us score. No changes to current policy now.

16. Veteran discount – Mandi needs to add this option to membership in website. Gilbert to be given free membership for next year as he paid full price. Franklin was also extended membership

17. Different levels of VCTC memberships mentioned by Rick – perhaps a “friend” level for out of towners like Nyrr has

18. Treasury – Ariel: we are at 17k now, checking at $5001 now, this is before checks are sent to charities. Need to transfer $ from savings to cover that. Last year we had $9000 more in debits than credits, this year we are only up $1000 so far. Matt to be in charge of check book for rest of year

Meeting over at 10:09pm.


Minutes of VCTC Board Meeting

July 14, 2016

Present: Rick, Mandi, Matt, Bobby, Steve, Beni, Bette, Ariel

Started 8:50pm

1. Summer Series party: same price and cost as last year, $10 for members, $30 for non-member. Members get comped $20 – Board voted 4:0 in favor. Total cost is $5865. Race director of women’s distance festival is to be comped as he will be presenting award for VCTC. Board to reach out to Summer Series race directors about comped entries to party.

2. VCTC email addresses: no update. Mandi wants a separate address for kids club. Contact page on website will have all email addresses. VCTC online at Gmail could be forwarded to info at VCTC.org emails.

3. Staten Island bus – Bette says $575 per bus plus tolls. Need to see how many registered. Bus fits about 44. We can reserve 2 Academy school buses and cancel one if not needed. Deposit not needed till close to date. Probably about $15 round trip per person. We don’t expect as many people as at Brooklyn. Bette will let them know at least or 1 bus needed. Need to communicate info for members. Poll to be put on Facebook to gauge interest.

4. Clothing: Rick said we are out of singlets. Beni said most members prefer white rather than yellow singlets. It is difficult to keep track of different styles. Beni suggested keeping the classic singlets. Bette and Bobby noted “van cortlandt track club” is more descriptive than VCTC. Logo also makes a difference. Bobby suggested keeping purple and gold because purple and white is becoming very popular (e.g. Mercury Master). We will order white and yellow and classic. Rick will do the order. Suggestion to get more small sizes this time. Sweatshirts – Beni and Bette suggested sticking with original Roman font from custom ink. Board agreed. Only xl sweatshirts are left in stock. Bette: Champion has a good looking jacket with pockets. Beni will call to see if we could get discount on $135 price. Bette suggested she will contact adidas to see if we could get a deal. Also suggested polling members to see how much they are willing to spend on jacket. Rick mentioned quick silver striders have leather non-running jackets. Conclusion: Rick will do singlet order. Bobby will try to order jackets. Bette will contact Aktiv/ adidas and Andy K. Also discussion about club hats for next year’s 40 years VCTC anniversary.

5. 40th anniversary of VCTC – start with 2017 awards dinner, special hats should be give away. Should have special guests too.

6. Otis Mathews race – not happening this year, hopefully back next year, maybe not as 10k. Need to have a discussion and set date about a year in advance. Bobby thinks original club members should be involved in the decision

7. Bylaws: Ariel proposed bylaws changes via email but not enough board involvement so far. Rick doesn’t disagree with proposal. Need them to be written in proper format. Mandi suggested having a non-officer board member position. Bette says need to have a non-even number of voting members for voting to avoid ties. Steve said in general the more boards members the better in general, 7 would be a good number.  Mandi said too many members leads to too much discussion (9 might be too many, but 7 might be okay). All depends on how meetings are run. Ariel mentioned that instead of having extra board members we could encourage club members to be active on the executive committee. Rick said increasing from 5 to 7 doesn’t solve any problems that we have. Need more discussion. Ken mentioned having bimonthly meetings instead of monthly. Bobby, Bette, Steve, Rick opposed it for many reasons, including the fact it would decrease their importance and timeliness. Mandi suggested removing the requirement to have it on Saturdays.

8. NYRR asked us to submit logo for club champs – we will send the official logo from the website. Rick will send it to NYRR. They also want club stories – Rick will announce at Saturday’s meeting

9. Sal’s proposal to have a 60+ mile run/race om Mondays on the flats. We need more explanation about how this would work, perhaps at Saturday general meeting. Ostensibly this serves to improve team spirit among older members.

10. NYRR meeting last night – see email. We decided to vote in NYRR poll to keep awards night in March 2017 for last time before move to November. Bobby cast the vote online.

11. Lisa Shernicoff’s offer to give discount for mattresses for VCTC members. Board agreed to let her speak at September 10 club meeting.

12. 2017 UEC date: need to find out when Scotland run is so it doesn’t conflict. Bette can be race director again, don’t know about Jill. Run sign up turns out to be a great registration option, want to keep it for next year.

13. Team champs: we will ask for 2 tables from NYRR. Need to remind members to bring food, chairs etc.

Ended 10:23

Minutes of VCTC Members’ Meeting

June 11, 2016

Betty Adams photo will be given to her with the team in front of her store.

There will be bus to Staten Island Half.

Thinking about retreat with Taconic at Blue Mountain in the works

Summer series – this week Aktiv; request to have water station on the course denied, too much work. There are water fountains. Can’t use open containers of water (Gallon hugs) due to health department. Using water bottles ok but plastic waste bothers people. 5 more races 6 charities Montefiore, pots, VHL, Riverdale Neighborhood House, parachute suicide, run anyway. All 6 considered, one of them might be next year.

3 spots NYRR club points races. Board has policy. Is person going to score for team + club service etc. Must be current member. Must email VCTC, deadline more than 1 week before race except marathon. Marathon deadline is July 31 to allow people to train. Matt reminded people to register for points races especially Bronx 10.

Social Maryann: Mount Beacon hiking trip sun June 26.  – either drive yourself, meet 7am for carpool. Hike start 9am. 3.5 mile hike. No cost. Lunch after and brewery. End of summer series party at golf house. Yankees game 9/11 Susan Adiletta. Tickets 16.50, will be on our website.
Treasury: Ariel about $1,000 from first race to Riverdale Y scholarship fund. Shirts for pickup if pre-ordered. $10. Might reopen order if more interest.

Membership: Andrea 311 paid members. 151 single 128 family 7 lifetime, 5 kids club, 7 new members. Please update your website profile.

Mandi: website moved to vctc.org. lots more work to do. Need your info- can be private. Put up your pics. Blog will be new newsletter – send in race stories to Mandi. Communication to members should be sent to communications committee. They will send out weekly emails with info mostly link listing.

Ad on Facebook for summer series on our public page, got some regs

Minutes will be posted on new site

Meeting over 11:34 am

Minutes of VCTC Board Meeting

May 12, 2016

  1. Summer Series begins May 26, at 7 p.m.

a. application is on website.

b. Permit has been applied for.

c. 38 entries so far.

d. Special tees being made for VCTC members who run race. About $15 per person.

e. Vote by board to approve shirts: passes.

f. Debate whether to consider the Riverdale “Y” a viable charity to receive benefits from a SS


2. VCTC will have a table at the Riverdale “Y” races on May 15. Info about our club as well as team applications will be available.

3. Brooklyn Half

a. Bobby Asher will pick up team numbers.

b. 35 members have signed up for bus to Brooklyn so far.

c. Decision made that S. Corber, J. Bell-Smith, and S. Moore will get 3 late entries into race.

4. Poll for hiking to close Sunday May 14.

5. VCTC will donate $500 to relay memorializing Fallen Soldiers. 10 runners will participate, plus anyone else paying $50 entry.

6. Runners Assistance Program vote approved. Runners will receive reimbursement after races are run.

7. VCTC has 230+ paid members. Senior membership dues are $10/62 and older.

8. VCTC now has Slack App, a communication tool.

9. Mandi Susman to use Facebook to advertise Summer Series in tri-state area.

10. A poll about buying Yankee tickets is online.

11. The new website is imminent; all old docs, pics, etc will be in drop box folder on new site.

12. Debate whether VCTC will help with Croton Olympiad, a relay run designed to bring attention to the Croton Aqueduct. Vote to do so passes.

13. July’s general membership meeting will be changed as it conflicts with a popular race.

VCTC General Membership Meeting

May 14, 2016

1. Brooklyn Half bus now open to outsider.

2. Bobby Asher and Rachel Isaac each get a special entry for Brooklyn.

3. Sponsorship for “500 for the Fallen” approved. May 28, 7:30 a.m. 10 running slots available.

4. Andrea Rafael will preside over VCTC table at Riverdal “Y” races May 15.

5. Hiking poll closes Sunday May 15.

6. Summer Series charities: first race-Riverdale “Y” Scholarship fund. Second race-Active for


a. Mandi Susman will use Ads on Facebook to promote Summer Series.

b. Ariel Cruz has designed a special shirt for VCTC members running SS.

c. End of season party to be August 17. Venue to come later.

7. Croton Olympiad: proposed relay run to promote Croton Aqueduct.

8. Tuesday May 31 will be first hill workout.

9. VCTC has 232 members paid.

10. VCTC now has $26,226 overall. $1,700 more than in first quarter of 2016.

11. VCTC needs to order more new singlets, as supply for new members is running low.

12. Yankee outing Sept 11. Tickets are $16.50 per person.

13. Adrian Hunte-Smith looking golf outing at Mosholu.

14. The Communications Committee is working on getting timely info to members.

15. New Website is nearly online.

16. June and July general members’ meetings are to be moved as they conflict with popular races.