Time to sign up for the VCTC bus to the start of the NYC Half on Sunday March 15!
Bus will be one way only to Prospect Park drop-off.
- Departure Time: 5:00 am*
- Place: Handball courts, Broadway and 242nd
- Cost: $20 per person
* please note there will be 5 waves this year, beginning at 7:30 and ending at 8:45. Early bus departure time is to give people in wave 1 enough time to get to start area/baggage check by recommended time of 6:15. People in later waves may want to consider alternative transportation if they don’t want to be there so early.
Please reserve your seat as soon as possible by either:
- Paying $20 via Pay Pal using the button below OR
- Send an email to vctconline@gmail.com and pay cash/check to our Treasurers Andrea or Steve.
- Open to VCTC members and non-members